
Healthcare’s identity crisis: How recruitment delays are exacerbating staff shortages in UK healthcare


Healthcare's identity crisis.png Digidentity’s latest report sheds light on a critical issue plaguing the healthcare sector: recruitment delays. According to our findings, individual UK healthcare organisations are losing a staggering £544,000 per year due to these delays, impacting both staff morale and patient care.

The research reveals that while 74% of healthcare decision-makers see technology as the solution for faster recruiting, only 2% currently utilise digital tools. At Digidentity, we believe it's time for a transformative change.

Our Country Manager, Jonathan Evans, emphasises the urgency of addressing delays, stating, "New identity verification systems are essential for streamlining the recruitment process and improving healthcare services and patient care."

In the report you will find key findings, expert opinions and how Digidentity tackles these healthcare issues head on. Read the full report here.

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