Find out more about SERMI for:
Vehicle Manufacturers (VM)
Conformity Assessment Bodies (CAB)
Independent Operators (IOs)
Frequently Asked Questions
What is SERMI?
SERMI is the scheme for accreditation, approval and authorisation to Access Security-related Repair and Maintenance Information (RMI). This scheme ensures secure access to vehicle manufacturers’ data for independent operators, remote service suppliers, and their respective employees.
Who can use the SERMI scheme to gain access to security related RMI?
SERMI is for independent operators, remote service suppliers and their respective employees.
How can Independent Operators login to SERMI?
IO’s wishing to receive security-related RMI shall obtain an approval inspection certificate from a CAB accredited by the NAB of the Member State where the IO is established. IO employees who are to handle security-related RMI shall obtain an authorisations inspection certificate from a CAB of the Member State where the IO employee resides. To see which CAB’s have been accredited by the NAB of a Member State go to
How can you login or get access to SERMI through a Remote Service Supplier?
Both Remote Service Suppliers and Independent Operators will need to get approval via their national Conformity Assessment Body (CAB), their employees will also need authorisation from a CAB. After notification, the Trust Centre (Digidentity) will issue certificates and security tokens which will be distributed by the CAB to the Remote Service Supplier and the Independent Operator.
What is ‘security related maintenance and repair information’ or security related RMI’?
As shown in regulation (EU) 2021/12: ‘Security-related repair and maintenance information’ or ‘security-related RMI’ shall mean the information, software, functions and services required to repair and maintain the features that are included in a vehicle by the manufacturer to prevent the vehicle from being stolen or driven away and to enable the vehicle to be tracked and recovered.
What is the role of the SERMI ‘Trust Centre’ or ‘TC’?
As the body designated by SERMI and approved by the European Commission, Digidentity is responsible for: (A) managing the digital certificates and authorisation status of the IO employees and for providing to the CAB the necessary security tokens and digital certificates for authorised IO employees; (B) providing a vehicle manufacturer with information regarding the authorisation status of an IO employee.